New Europass Film
In just 3 minutes, this film will show you how you can best use the Europass portal to create a profile and use it to create résumés for your applications.
You can find more information about the Europass on Facebook at
The film is also available in German:
©OeAD Europass
The new Europass platform has been launched!
The European Commission launched the new Europass platform on July 1, 2020. It's acessible at the following adresses:
Discover all of the tools that can help you save your study and professional sucesses in your personalised online portfolio. Create your free Europass and register to use all of the available tools to the fullest.
European Europass Launch on 1 July, 2020
According to the Europass Decision of 18 April, 2018, the focus of Europass is shifting away from documents and toward services. Therefore, the Europass portal will be redesigned and relaunched. The launch will take place in multiple phases. The first phase will be completed in spring of 2020 and the new portal will be launched on July 1, 2020.
Important! The current Europass portal with it's CV editor will be closed on July 1, 2020. Export and save any documents you have set up in the Europass portal. The saved documents can then be uploaded into the new portal and used!
Changes compared to the current Europass:
- e-portfolio:
- with personal, private storage space
- CV and cover letter can be created from the portfolio with various designs
- application tracker for sent applications
- learning opportunities portal integrated into Europass portal
- connection with learning opportunities (through the EURES database)
- information about studying and working in EU countries
- digital credentials: sorftware free for institutions to use to create digital, tamper-resistent qualifications and diplomas
- interoperability: Europass can be used with external services (job and education field), so that users can upload their applications directly

Learning by Leaving: online conference for 4 European networks
The Austrian Europass and Euroguidance centres are happy to announce that the Learning by Leaving Conference 2020 – a joint conference for the European mobility networks Eures, Eurodesk, Europass and Euroguidance – was held as a virtual meeting on June 4-5, 2020.
Following the conferences in Cologne, Germany 2018 and Cagliari, Italy 2019, the 2020 conference continued the series that aims to establish closer cooperation between the European mobility networks through regular exchange of information, best practices and peer learning - thus creating synergies to increase the quality of service provision.
The support of mobility is at the centre of the Learning by Leaving networks. Learners and workers need the appropriate information, guidance and means to document their competences to successfully take part in the European education and labour market.
The focus of the 2020 conference was inclusion in mobility. How can we best support learners and workers with special needs, including those from underprivileged backgrounds and migrants? Are our existing tools and information sufficient or do we need to make changes to make successful mobility achievable for everyone?
The conference included a range of plenary sessions and workshops. Participants had the possibility to share information, innovative tools and practices, get ideas for new (transnational) projects and formulate recommendations and feedback.
The conference documentation is available online at: