Learning by Leaving – Inclusion in Mobility
Conference, Vienna, June 4-5, 2020
“Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much.”
Helen Keller
The Austrian Europass and Euroguidance centres are happy to announce that the Learning by Leaving Conference 2020 – a joint conference for the European mobility networks Eures, Eurodesk, Europass and Euroguidance – was held as a virtual meeting on June 4-5, 2020.
Following the conferences in Cologne, Germany 2018 and Cagliari, Italy 2019, the 2020 conference continued the series that aims to establish closer cooperation between the European mobility networks through regular exchange of information, best practices and peer learning - thus creating synergies to increase the quality of service provision.
The support of mobility is at the centre of the Learning by Leaving networks. Learners and workers need the appropriate information, guidance and means to document their competences to successfully take part in the European education and labour market.
The focus of the 2020 conference was inclusion in mobility. How can we best support learners and workers with special needs, including those from underprivileged backgrounds and migrants? Are our existing tools and information sufficient or do we need to make changes to make successful mobility achievable for everyone?
The conference included a range of plenary sessions and workshops. Participants had the possibility to share information, innovative tools and practices, get ideas for new (transnational) projects and formulate recommendations and feedback.
Welcome and introduction / Conference opening
Ernst Gesslbauer
OeAD, Director of the National Agency Erasmus+ Education
“Europe is on a steep learning curve – and we needed this.
Europe was lagging behind in terms of virtual learning environments.
We might come out stronger out of the crisis, in terms of new forms of learning.”
Meet the LbL Organising Team
Alison Crabb
Head of Unit, Skills and Qualifications, DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
European Commission
“It’s a challenging time, the world has shifted. But there are also opportunities opening up for some fresh thinking.”
Motivational speech
Ali Mahlodji
Founder of whatchado, EU Youth Ambassador
“No one is a system error and every person, regardless of gender, color, religion, origin, skin color, disability or sexual orientation, should have a chance to find their calling.”
Table Discussions
- Is it inclusion or illusion? – How to reach youngsters?
Diana Baranyi (Eurodesk Hungary)
Zsófia Bertalan (Europass Hungary)
Discussion - Mobility for ALL – Tools to make mobility programmes more inclusive
Ángeles Fernández Melón (Europass Spain)
Presentation - The show must go on(line) - Apps to telework and build your online presence
Gheorghe Kraszuk (Eurodesk EU)
- Joining forces for inclusive Erasmus+ student mobility
Karien Coppens (Euroguidance Netherlands)
Gusta Tavecchio (Erasmus+ Netherlands)
Discussion - A shared learning environment for EURES, Euroguidance, Eurodesk and Europass
Erik van den Broek (Europass Netherlands)
Presentation - Access for young people with impairments and chronic health conditions into mixed ability mobility projects
Klaus Waiditschka (Eurodesk Germany)
Discussion - EU web tools supporting asylum seekers and refugees training and job insertion
Valeria Scalmato (Europass Italy)
Valentina Benni (Euroguidance Italy)
Discussion - Online youth information - tools and formats for connecting and informing (young) people online
Alena Brunner (Eurodesk Austria)
Discussion - Euroopportunities board game - How to promote European opportunities in a cool way Wawrzyniec Pater (Eurodesk Poland)
Virtual tour of Vienna with expert guide Angelika Kronberger
DINAMO - A distant training on mobility in guidance
The workshop will introduce and discuss the e‑training tool DINAMO, including four modules to support and train guidance professionals:
1. The presentation of the challenges of mobility
2. The use of European tools that promote mobility (ECTS, Erasmus+, Europass, etc.)
3. Various forms that mobility can take throughout life
4. Development of mobility advice for guidance professionals.
Yvan Couallier is a psychologist guidance advisor, engaged with the Euroguidance Network since 7 years. At the International Guidance Centre in Lyon, France, he helps students to manage their project abroad. He also trains professionals in the field of guidance, by using the online platform DINAMO.
Isabelle Dekeister is a guidance psychologist since 2003 in Lille. She works at the Information and Guidance Centre (CIO) of the French National Education and for Euroguidance France for 7 years. She is involved in information, guidance counselling and support for students and professionals around mobility and in training for guidance practitioners. She participated in the development of the DINAMO online training course.
‘Euro-Quest’ and ‘Time to Move’ - promoting educational and inclusive mobility across Europe
The workshop will facilitate an open discussion about how all four of our networks (Europass, Eurodesk, Euroguidance, Eures) could work together to support inclusion in mobility, exploring current practice and future possibilities.
The following two examples will be presented:
“Euro-Quest”, developed by Euroguidance Ireland /NCGE, is a resource for Secondary Level students in Ireland. It is a new, free to use blended learning programme, designed for Transition Year students, promoting educational mobility across Europe.
The “Time to Move” Eurodesk Europe-wide campaign informs young people and those who work with them about opportunities to work, study, train and volunteer in Europe.
Orla Ní Cheallaigh is a Guidance Counsellor who holds the position of ‘Euroguidance Officer’ in NCGE. She has worked with young people in schools for 10 years as a guidance counsellor, programme co-ordinator, and language teacher.
Malgorzata Fiedot Davies has been working as the Eurodesk Ireland Coordinator with Léargas, the National Agency of Erasmus+, since 2003. She studied languages and literature and enjoys communicating, networking and creating links between people and organisations.
Presentation 'Working Together'
Future Time Traveller - Digital inclusion in career guidance for Generation Z
The future is now, and as the world is developing faster than ever before through technological advancements this has brought new possibilities to the world of career guidance and development. Digital innovations create opportunities to empower young people, improve society and grow economies. Individuals risk falling behind if they do not have the right skills to adapt and businesses will struggle to innovate and grow if they cannot find appropriately skilled workers. The Future Time Traveller project, a career game in 3D virtual world for exploring the future trends, jobs and skills, is committed to transforming the lives of Generation Z through career guidance that incorporates innovative and immersive games-based learning scenarios for preparing the next generation for the jobs of the future.
This ‘Innovation workshop’ will discuss the importance and potential of game-based career guidance in discovering the jobs of the future; the skills young people will need in an increasingly digitised world and how to incorporate such technology into your provision. It will include a demonstration of (with the option to try) the ‘Future Time traveller’ game we have developed which allows young people to explore the range of jobs that could exist in the Year 2050!
Felix J Prince Kankwamba works for Aspire igen in Bradford, the largest careers and training organisation in Yorkshire, United Kingdom. Felix studied both his BA (Politics & Peace) and MA (Media Studies) in the city and just completed a MSc (Management with Marketing). Felix has a passion for young people having worked in alternative and higher Education for over 10 years, organising volunteering opportunities abroad and leading prison art courses.
Learning by leaving: the past – the present – the future
Dominique Droth, LbL Organising Team Germany
Joanna Busalacchi, LbL Organising Team Italy
Susanne Krischanitz, LbL Organising Team Austria
Conference Closing
Carin Dániel Ramírez-Schiller
OeAD, Head of Area Adult Education & Transversal Matters, National Agency Erasmus+ Education